Yet Another YouTube Client
A YouTube client built with Qt5/QML. It sports bookmarks support, progress tracking, and more.
It is intended to help managing video queues and playlists, sparing the user from having to use many browser tabs or windows to keep track of multiple content.
On GitHub
Binary releases are published on GitHub
Latest binary releases: Windows (you might need Microsoft Visual C++ redistributable package if you get an error about missing VCRUNTIME140_1.dll)
Build from sources
Alternately, it is possible to build YAYC from sources. To do so, a Qt 5.15 installation is necessary, together with a C++ toolchain (gcc on Linux, msvc on Windows). Please note that OpenSSL needs to be enabled and working within the Qt 5.15 installation. More details on how to proceed setting up the build environment can be found on the project page
Alright, you’ve got yayc in one way or another! Now just launch it, open the settings to specify the working directories where to save the history, bookmarks and chromium profile, and then you are good to go!
YAYC stores bookmarks as one file per video, and categories as subdirectories. This is a simple, efficient and portable way that also allows easy backup as well as processing through 3rd party tools.
Below some screens illustrating the process
Note that:
- If no bookmarks directory is specified, bookmarks won’t be saved.
- If no history directory is specified, history won’t be saved.
- If no Google profile directory is specified, YAYC will operate in Incognito mode, and logging into your Google account won’t be remembered at next app restart.
Pro edition
For customized premium features, binaries for specific architectures, more permissive license terms, and more, contact us